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Sending push notifications with CustomerConnect

Harmony Group
Harmony is known for its collaborative, no-nonsense approach to both business and IT. We help organisations transform to a digital organisation and we do this within various sectors and domains. Harmony provides an integrated service: from consulting, to implementation of 'off the shelf' solutions and managed services.
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Maybe the delivery channel “push message” isn't the first channel you think of when you think of. CCM in the Cloud or communication in general, but did you know that push notifications are an effective means of communicating with customers? With a push message, you can reach the desired target group directly with your message. That is why the chance that a push message will be read and followed up is greater than that of other forms of communication.

Why are push notifications so effective in communicating with customers?

  • Accessible: It's easy for customers to receive and read push notifications. Push notifications arrive directly to the customer's device. This way, the customer does not have to search for an e-mail or other message himself; the information comes directly to him or her. In addition, push messages are often short and to the point. This means that they are quick to read and therefore do not take up too much of the customer's time.
  • Personally: Push notifications offer a high level of personalization. They can be specifically targeted at individual customers. For example, based on their usage history, location, or other data. This has the advantage that you can send messages to customers that are relevant and attractive to them, which increases the chance of conversion.
  • Customer loyalty: Push notifications are a great way to engage and retain customers. They can be used to keep customers informed about new products or offers, to inform them about important changes, or to remind them of upcoming events. By communicating regularly in this way, a company can build a relationship with its customers and strengthen their loyalty.

Watch out for possible pitfalls

Although using push notifications has many advantages, there are also a few things that companies should consider when using push notifications in their customer communication. First, it's important not to send too many push messages. This can lead to customer irritation. It is therefore advisable to maintain a regular, but not too frequent, communication rhythm. Quality usually prevails over quantity.

Second, it's crucial to personalize push messages and keep them relevant to the customer. Do customers constantly receive unnecessary or irrelevant messages from your company on their smartphone or tablet? Then they will probably turn off the push messages. That's why it's important to properly understand the needs and interests of your customers and then respond to them.

Briefly summarized

Using push notifications in communicating with customers can be an effective way of keeping them informed about new products or offers, informing them about important changes, or reminding them of upcoming events. However, it is important to ensure that push messages are not sent too often and are relevant and personal to the recipient. By using push notifications in this way, a company can improve communication with customers and strengthen their loyalty.

Do you want to discover how push notifications can strengthen communication with your customers? Then take feel free to contact us and we would love to look at the possibilities with you.

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