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Four reasons why you should switch to “white paper factory” today

Harmony Group
Harmony is known for its collaborative, no-nonsense approach to both business and IT. We help organisations transform to a digital organisation and we do this within various sectors and domains. Harmony provides an integrated service: from consulting, to implementation of 'off the shelf' solutions and managed services.
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Essentially, every company is also a bit of a communication company these days. And the buzzword in communication is personalization. After all, every customer wants to feel addressed by a message that suits their own situation. So sending everyone the same standard letter quickly is no longer enough.

With a personal approach, you show that your customers are important and not just a number in line.

But with “old-fashioned” printing, personalization is very difficult. Adding a name here and there can often be just but real printed matter tailored to your customer, which is actually impossible.

Traditionally, you often just have to design and order your material long in advance, and you're stuck with large quantities. An adjustment? Then you first have to use up your old stock or, even worse, throw it away.

With white paper factory, also known as white paper printing, you don't have to worry about that anymore.

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White paper factory (WPF), as the name suggests, starts from a blank sheet and envelope to make hyper-personalized shipments.

This means that you can fully adapt the content and structure of your letter or document to the preferences or needs of your recipient.

The possibilities are endless;

  • One health insurer can use white paper factory to send letters that are relevant to the customer's personal situation: recommend a nearby optician to someone who needs glasses, for example.
  • One housing association can very easily send out communication that speaks very specifically about the location of the VHE where the letter goes.
  • One supermarket chain can then, in turn, offer personalized discounts based on the customer's purchasing behavior.


With white paper factory, you can therefore easily create a unique and relevant document for each customer or prospect. As a result, you can immediately increase customer engagement and conversion. ✅ Bonus 1!

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✅ Ready for bonus 2? The price advantage. After all, certain costs can go to the trash in no time. No start-up costs for printing, no costs for keeping inventory and certainly no costs of destroying redundant print.

And that immediately makes it also a sustainable solution for the environment. ✅ So bonus three.

However, the ecological impact does not stop with reducing the amount of waste: in principle, you no longer need to transport the printed matter to your location and there is less waste of paper and energy that regularly happens when adjusting new prints.

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Not personalized yet? We have good news: you can also adapt the envelope in which you send the message to the customer.

You can do this with the same white paper printing process as for the expression itself.

And that also means that you shouldn't throw away thousands of envelopes if your company changes its logo or corporate identity. ✅ That's bonus four now!

Ingenious techniques ensure that the right envelope is printed for the right customer and that the message always ends up in the right envelope.

Want to discover how white paper factory can help your business? Then feel free to contact join us and we would be happy to look at the possibilities with you.

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