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How CCM in the Cloud unburdens you

Harmony Group
Harmony is known for its collaborative, no-nonsense approach to both business and IT. We help organisations transform to a digital organisation and we do this within various sectors and domains. Harmony provides an integrated service: from consulting, to implementation of 'off the shelf' solutions and managed services.
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When you use “CCM in the Cloud”, the following things are definitely well organized for you. · Access to the full CCM functionality for bulk, ad hoc and one-on-one communications including the approval and release process and incl. Business Empowerment: business users can design, realize and roll out communications themselves in the production environment without the intervention of IT expertise.

The entire communication chain is continuously monitored and (if necessary) restored.

  • Cloud infrastructure including its management and also including the software required for CCM. In short: new releases, backups, security patches, etc: it's all arranged for you. · Frequent updates with new generic CCM functionalities that are then immediately available to you..
  • “CCM in the Cloud” is fully ISO-27001 certified and has an ISAE statement, so it is safe. So you no longer have to worry about privacy-sensitive aspects of your communication processes.
  • A service desk is at your disposal, which, if you wish, is also available 24/7. Very nice when you need contact or questions.
  • And (last but not least): you only have one point of contact for all matters related to your communication (processes): Harmony!

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In the Design Phase.

The design and realization of communications (templates) can be done entirely in-house, including taking designed communications into production. This has advantages; especially for easier communications: as a user, you are not dependent on specialists (inside or outside your organization).

You can also choose to have Harmony design and implement all (or only more complex) communications. Of course, based on your wishes and requirements. Of course, the management of these templates is also carried out by Harmony.

During the communication phase.

After “CCM in the Cloud” has brought the designed communications (templates) together with your data, the actual communications are created.

“CCM in the Cloud” has many extra features that you can (have) added to your communications. Examples of these additional features include: adding a digital signature (eSeal), adding signing options (e.g. contracts), adding payment links to communications, etc. These CCM in the Cloud functionalities can be added without having to make agreements or conclude contracts for them yourself. This is possible based on existing links between “CCM in the Cloud” and these functionalities. If you want to (continue to) use your own suppliers (e.g. based on existing contracts), that is of course also possible.

At some point in the process, the communications, possibly supplemented with the desired additional functionalities, are ready to be sent to your customers. After your approval, you can “release these communications for delivery”.

This can be done in the following ways (in ascending order of relief):

  • the actual communications are delivered back to your systems, after which you can (have) delivered them yourself via your service providers and through your contracts.
  • “CCM in the Cloud” ensures the delivery of communications to your service providers (where you remain the contract partner of this service partner).
  • “CCM in the Cloud” delivers the communications, but via its own service providers. You don't have to conclude contracts with service providers yourself; responsibility lies with Harmony. Complete care for your communication processes with just one Single Point of Contact: Harmony. As an additional advantage for you: this last option can lead to a lower delivery price.

A hybrid form of the above delivery scenarios is also possible. This may be necessary, for example, for a transition phase as a result of current contracts. Harmony can also store all communications in “your” archive system. This makes it possible that these communications can be consulted at any time by internal departments and (if desired) also by the customers themselves via, for example, a My Environment.


Do you also want to know more about how “CCM in the Cloud” can unburden you? Then take informal contact contact us and we would be happy to look at the possibilities with you.

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