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Solid Foundations, New Architecture: The Harmony IT Evolution

Harmony Group
Harmony is known for its collaborative, no-nonsense approach to both business and IT. We help organisations transform to a digital organisation and we do this within various sectors and domains. Harmony provides an integrated service: from consulting, to implementation of 'off the shelf' solutions and managed services.
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What began with an exploratory meeting in Brussels in 2006 was officially crowned on 19 December 2024. Robert Daniëls, who grew from an ambitious entrepreneur to become the driving force behind Harmony IT, became co-shareholder of all IT activities.

To make it properly official, we sat down with Robert and the 'original pioneers' Koen Mercken and Henri van Hoek to discuss how boundless energy can propel a company forward, why sometimes you need to wait until the time is right, and how you can still give directions quite effectively from the back seat.

HARMONY: Robert has already become the face of Harmony IT in recent years, so this new phase seems like a natural evolution?

KOEN MERCKEN: "This is indeed an evolution that's been on the horizon for some time. Robert has taken on more and more responsibility over the years and proved he's the right man in the right place. We've always believed that when you have the right people on board, you need to truly involve them. Not just in daily operations, but in the company's future as well. That naturally leads to co-entrepreneurship. With Robert, it was never a question of if it would happen, but when."

HARMONY: This collaboration goes back quite a while now, but was it love at first sight?

ROBERT DANIËLS: (laughs) "Well, no. The first time we discussed possible collaboration was in 2006. We had an exploratory meeting in Brussels..."

KOEN: "In the Rue des Bouchers, indeed! Robert was incredibly driven even then."

ROBERT: "But I was at an earlier stage in my career then, and I later learned that Koen found me a bit too... intense at the time."

KOEN: (laughing) "Yes, Robert has always been very enthusiastic and full of energy, and back then it was going in all directions. We couldn't quite channel that energy properly yet, to put it diplomatically."

HARMONY: But it all worked out in the end?

HENRI VAN HOEK: "Yes. A few years later, we got back in touch and resumed discussions. By then, Robert had already proven his commercial talent, which was actually something Harmony was somewhat lacking at the time."

KOEN: "Absolutely right. The chemistry was almost immediate then, and we decided to join forces. That's more than ten years ago now, and we've maintained an excellent working relationship throughout."

ROBERT: (Chimes in) "The dynamic really clicked quite quickly. I think that's because we complement each other so well. Henri and I are more optimistic, sometimes too much so. That's when Koen brings us back down to earth with his 'yes, but...' That dynamic just works brilliantly."

HARMONY: And since 19 December, that collaboration has become even more firmly anchored.

KOEN: "That's right. Robert was already involved as a co-shareholder from day one in our new ventures, like OutSystems. But the existing structure was more complex. To use a Flemish expression, we had built a house with all sorts of extensions tacked on. We've now properly renovated that structure, with Robert becoming a full shareholder across the board."

HARMONY: Robert, how does this impact your role, how do you see it evolving?

ROBERT: "I divide my role roughly into 70% focusing on new business and 30% on motivating and energising the Management Team. Above all, I want to ensure we maintain the quality our clients know us for. That's partly linked to our culture and style, which I definitely want to preserve. But we're also dealing with developments in AI and other technologies, so it remains a dynamic and challenging environment."

HARMONY: And your roles, Koen and Henri?

HENRI: "As we mentioned in our previous interview, we're now sitting in the back seat, as we call it. But we still quite regularly call out 'perhaps we should turn left or right'. We do form a complementary team indeed, and that simply works very well."

KOEN: "Practically speaking, we continue to provide support on financial and legal matters, especially regarding Belgium. These are peripheral issues that are quite important, but this way Robert can really focus on growing the business."

HARMONY: Do you have any advice for Robert, now that this new phase is officially beginning?

KOEN: "I think the most important thing is for Robert to stay true to himself, with that drive and enthusiasm. When I think back to that very first meeting, when we couldn't yet channel that energy, I now see how it's become our driving force. It's that energy that propels Harmony IT forward. And we still have quite a lot of ambition left, so we're far from done."

HENRI: "I'm convinced our ambitions will become reality. We complement each other perfectly, each with our own experience and expertise. Though I must admit that the latter might have something to do with our age." (winks)

KOEN: (laughs) "Yes, before Robert makes another comment about that... But joking aside, it just feels right that all three of us are now building the future from the same vision, each in our own role."

HARMONY: Robert, you get the last word.

ROBERT: "Those challenges ahead of us still give me tremendous energy. In daily operations, I'm very well supported by fellow MT members Joeri Bosch and Tom Desmet. And it's just great to know that, even though they're now in the back seat, Koen and Henri are still there when needed. It's reassuring to know you can count on all that experience. And all that experience, of course, has everything to do with their age." (laughs)

KOEN: (dryly) "Such beautiful words, it almost brings tears to your eyes. Though I'm not sure if that's from emotion or from that last comment."

With that final bit of banter, our conversation comes to an end. It perfectly illustrates the atmosphere in which these three gentlemen work together: professional when necessary, with humour where possible, and always with respect for each other's qualities. The house may have been renovated, but the foundation remains as solid as ever.

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