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5 myths about Low-code debunked

Harmony Group
Harmony is known for its collaborative, no-nonsense approach to both business and IT. We help organisations transform to a digital organisation and we do this within various sectors and domains. Harmony provides an integrated service: from consulting, to implementation of 'off the shelf' solutions and managed services.
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a:5: {s:6: “item-0"; a:3: {s:11:” sub-heading”; s:38: “Myth #1: Low-code = low customization”; s:9: “body-text”; s:808:”

Let's start with the most common myth about low code, which is that you can't really create anything customized with low code. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The idea behind low-code development is to achieve as much as possible without code, but this does not mean that developers cannot extend the functionalities with code if they want to. In short, low-code platforms provide the necessary tools for both business and IT to collaborate and quickly build valuable enterprise apps while maintaining control over the entire application lifecycle.

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Here, too, the opposite is actually true! Many low-code platforms have built-in security features and improve visibility, making it easier for IT to enforce security. Features such as low-code automation also help standardize processes, create process consistency, and reduce errors.

With additional features, such as user access with permission, teams can also decide who gets access to what, allowing secure collaboration between internal and external stakeholders.

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Low-Code platforms such as OutSystems provide support for the entire “app lifecycle” because the complete process from idea and development to testing and management exists within the platform.

This provides a time-to-market advantage that allows organizations to innovate faster than their competitors.

In addition, low-code platforms include visual development tools, social collaboration tools, and end-user feedback loops. Of course, all this ensures a rapid development phase, but also speed in testing new ideas, responding to feedback and rolling out applications and portals.

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It is still thought that low-code equals small-scale development. According to research by Forrester, however, it appears that enterprise applications are mainly complex, large and crucial for business. And that these are often built with low-code platforms.

Most applications built with low-code tools are used by the entire organization or by multiple departments.

Of course, you can also develop simple applications with a low-code platform. But it is certainly possible to create more complex applications that are crucial to the operation of an organization.

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This is perhaps one of the most common misconceptions. Low-code doesn't make developers obsolete, it makes their lives easier.

It replaces many of the tedious coding tasks and allows developers to focus on 'the bigger picture' and on delivering solutions faster.


Do you want to discover how Low code can help your business grow? Then take informal contact contact us or request a free demo custom made.

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