The state of the art tools earn state of the art service. Harmony provides a 24/7 ServiceDesk and this for both MuleSoft, CCM in the Cloud and OutSystems

Simple interface, streamlined process

Customers can 'ticket in' in their own JIRA based business portal: an incident, a change or a standard action. Harmony's ServiceDesk sees in the JIRA backend in detail what it is about. This instant communication between customer and Harmony allows us to respond immediately to incidents and questions.

Proactive monitoring

Through alerting and monitoring, Harmony proactively monitors its customers' landscape. If service loss threatens or appears to occur, the ServiceDesk acts immediately. By viewing trend analyses and acting on them, the ServiceDesk prevents potential incidents from occurring.


The Harmony ServiceDesk is ready for its customers day and night. Via a stand-by service we are available by phone for emergencies and we take immediate action until the problem is solved.

Functional Management & Release Management

When processes change, suppliers adjust applications or new legislation is introduced, for example, the ServiceDesk can quickly analyze the impact and implement the necessary changes in the customer's landscape via a tight release management process.

Knowledge Base

Through a Confluence Wiki per customer, all relevant information about the landscape, implementations and processes is easily accessible. Best practices in incident resolution can also be found here.


Template vacature (3)
27 October 2022
Hoe CCM in the Cloud jou ontzorgt
Iedere organisatie communiceert met haar klanten: in grote bulk of één-op-één, fysiek of digitaal, via papier, email, via een App of portaal, via socials, SMS, WhatsApp, etc. Het belang van correcte, gepersonaliseerde en tijdige communicaties voor jouw klanten is evident. Het liefst wil je hen ook nog bereiken via hun voorkeurskanaal. Onterechte, onduidelijke of onjuiste boodschappen kunnen leiden tot ontevreden klanten. Het is dus bijna ‘van levensbelang’ voor iedere organisatie dat zij haar communicatieprocessen op en top in orde heeft om goed en zorgeloos met haar klanten te (kunnen) communiceren.
21 May 2021
Harmony’s 24/7 Servicedesk: “Wij zitten overal tussen”
api led event
13 April 2021