
blog afbeelding
9 februari 2024
Integratieplatform in de zorg: nice to have of noodzaak?
29 november 2023
Achter de schermen bij de premie-aanpassing van zorgverzekeraars
15 september 2023
Na 6 maanden Harmony blikt Young Graduate Lisa terug

Let me introduce you to Harmony for Charity

Harmony Cosulting is a team of top performers.  At Harmony we do, we act, we move things forward every day and for every client. Our team shows up and moreover, we show compassion. The same sentiment of compassion inspired us last year to start ‘Harmony for Charity’.

This initiative brings together all Belgian and Dutch colleagues from Harmony Cosulting, as well as from other Harmony companies, to support a variety of charities.


Yes, we care about our social responsibility

After our successful launch last year, we can be proud of our results. We did support multiple charities, seen the fact we let each of our Harmony colleagues choose which good cause they wanted to sponsor. By doing so, we could have an impact on a wide variety of organizations. We sponsored – thanks to our muffin sale – an Easter holiday for a child in poverty (made possible by Pirlewiet). Besides that, we could also send help to one family in a war area by means of sending a food package for one month (made possible by Noodhulp bij Oorlog & Conflicten). And there were many more charities that could count on our donations, just to name a few: Kom Op Tegen Kanker, Diabetes Liga and Cunina.


Our job isn’t done yet

Of course, we are feeling happy about the fact that we could help all these organizations to come closer to meeting their goals. Nevertheless, we know their work isn’t done yet and therefore neither is ours. The ‘Harmony for Charity’ team got teased by the success of the first edition and is energized to go for an even more successful second round of fundraising. The team has already been busy thinking about new events. At Harmony Group we strive to be part of a better future and therefore we must show our own responsibility and deliver our part in making the world a better place. So watch out and get ready: Harmony’s socials will be back soon!